Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Thought about KML -- The pros

The problem is common, how to display geospatial information from different sources in a GIS application in a standard way?

KML was first developed by a company named Keyhole as a presentation model for their revolutionizing Earth Viewer latter renamed Google Earth.

KML goes beyond other OGC encoding standard by allowing to specify how Features should be displayed on the map, but also in the treeview.

KML allows to describe how the camera should be positioned to visualize a feature, how the camera should move around the globe.

Kml also allows to describe the time dimension of a features.

Allowing the server to specify how features should be displayed can be quite powerful when combined with the user interaction user gains with vectors; specially when compared with WMS.

Of course KML is not perfect, it has multiple limitations. Since nothing is perfect, KML can often be the best choice.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think about it.

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